Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pizza Night!

I thought it might be a good idea to put all of these dough supplies to good use and make some pizza. Quite frankly, as much as I've been enjoying the bread, I was pretty excited about eating something other than sandwiches this week. Basically this pizza dough was the same as the Italian bread, but with the addition of some oil and sugar.

After mixing the dough and setting it aside to ferment I ran out to the grocery store to pick up toppings (a lot of cheese, ham, tomatoes and basil). Once it was time to roll the dough, it was already pretty late and perhaps I wasn't as lucid as I had hoped. I seem to have made a slight misjudgement. I've made pizzas in the past using various different doughs, but none of them were a "proper" or "traditional" Italian bread pizza dough. In other words, none of them rose quite like this one did. I could easily have made four large personal pizzas with the quantity of dough I had but instead I made two.

The result.

Well, the downside is that I ended up with a pretty thick crust. The upside is that the crust was delicious. They weren't the prettiest pizzas ever but needless to say, they took "midnight snack" to a whole new level.

Coming up next, French baguettes!

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