Saturday, October 1, 2011


Let me introduce myself. I’m Helga. Pause. No, I don’t look like a Viking, nor do I look like a Nordic supermodel. I do live in South Florida (where there aren’t many people that share my name).  I’m an engineer by day. I tend to keep myself pretty busy at work and outside of it, which is why you may find it strange that I would embark on this adventure. For those that know me, this should come as no surprise.  I tend to keep myself…. busy.
I’ve been baking for a few years, entirely for friends and family.  It turns out that I’m getting pretty good at it and even better…I really enjoy it.  I want to bake more. A lot more.
The plan (because every engineer likes a plan):
Bake as much as possible, considering time and funding constraints.  There is a lot that I want to learn and recipes I’d like to perfect. I can’t possibly eat everything I bake, so I’m hoping that my friends and family can help in that area. In the interest of maintaining waistlines, I suspect they will start donating these baked goods to their friends, families and coworkers. Should someone like to purchase one of these creations, I’d be happy to oblige…and so… a bakery can be born. A Busy Bee Bakery that is.

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