Thursday, October 27, 2011

Buttermilk Biscuits

A slight variation on the biscuit is the popular buttermilk biscuit. The only difference is that is uses buttermilk instead of milk, reduces the amount of baking powder and adds baking soda. 
The trick to a good biscuit is that it should only be lightly kneaded. This develops some flakiness but avoids toughening the biscuit.  Using chemical leavening agents like baking powder and baking soda creates a different texture than yeast. You want a biscuit to be tender instead of chewy. The key to this is only slight gluten development. The more you knead, the stronger the gluten gets, the more your biscuit will resemble a hockey puck and nobody likes eating hockey pucks. Fortunately for me... these ended up pretty fluffy.

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