Friday, October 21, 2011

Hot Cross Buns! Hot Cross Buns!

If the crosses are missing, can you still call them hot cross buns?  Yes, in my world, absolutely!  It’s not that they weren’t applied. It’s just that the icing I used ended up clear and runny. (The picture in this post is pre-cross).  I’ll work on perfecting the icing some other time. In the meantime, that extra sugar on the top of the buns was just what they needed.
Technically, these are supposed to be served hot or toasted on Good Friday, with the crosses as a symbol of the Crucifixion. Some think that these buns pre-date Christianity and that the cross honors goddess Eostre (Eostre =>Easter).  Apparently there are a few superstitions to go with these little buns. Sharing a hot cross bun ensures friendship throughout the coming year. On ships, they protect against shipwreck. If hung in the kitchen, they protect against fires and ensure that breads turn out perfectly. Giving one to a sick person helps to cure them. Powerful stuff!
These rolls are spiced and have raisins and little dried currants in them. The glaze on top and the cross (clear or visible) adds just the right amount of sweetness to make these scrumptious, moist little balls of yumminess.  This was my surprise favorite of the week.

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