Monday, October 31, 2011

New Items!

Folks, we're having a small change in direction. While I've enjoyed exploring all kinds of breads and biscuits and bready cakes, we are getting into fall. That means, apples, pears, and pumpkins and all kind of yummy desserts. It means holiday dinners, dinners with friends and pot lucks, While I realized that I needed to make decisions about what to plan to make and bring to various events, I realized that you're probably in the same boat. So, throughout the holiday season, I'm going to be offering various seasonal desserts that can be purchased. Below is a first installment, with more details to come throughout the week and more options to show up weekly. Sign up on the blog for updates and contact me at with any questions or suggestions.


New this week:
Chocolate -Dipped Dates Stuffed with Spiced Nuts

Gateau de Sirop

Grape and Apple Pie

Peanut-Pecan Butter and Outmal Cookies

Poached Apples with Vanilla Yogurt

Pumpkin-Pear Crisps

Vanilla-Spiced Caramel and Pear Tart

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